27 November 2011


It has recently come to my attention that persons mentioned by pseudonym on this blog have found it, and are not happy about certain comments concerning them that I have made. You know who you are. It is you're right to not be happy with me, but please keep in mind that everything I say in this space are my personal opinions, and that everything I say here is said under the unselfconscious assumption that no one actually reads it. I know that this is not justified, seeing as this is the internet and everything is public. This is why I don't use my real name, and I have changed everyone involved's name to easily recognizable pseudonyms. And I know that I can't expect you to never have found this blog, because I do link to in on my Facebook page, and it's linked to in several other spaces, etc, but the reason I don't advertise it by telling everyone about it and says "read my blog," is because I want to be able to be honest in this space, and not worry that something I say might offend someone. I understand that you are offended, which is your right, but understand that I have said nothing that I don't believe, and that I am not trying to be mean. Nothing was said with malicious intent. The things I share here can be quite personal, which is hard for me to do, and are often the things that I don't normally tell people. I will continue to be honest in this space, about what I feel and what I see, so please understand that anything I have said have nothing to do with you personally. If you continue to be angry with me, please confront me in person about it, because not talking about it never got anybody anywhere, and I would rather deal with any issues you have out in the open. This is not an attempt to be passive aggressive, or to avoid actual conflict.  This is just my attempt at a little damage control.

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