09 January 2012

10th of January Resolutions

Exactly! (Except it's the 10th of January and I am making resolutions...) (via)
I know I'm a little bit late, but I'd thought I would tackle some New Year's resolutions, or I guess, 10th of January resolutions at this point. I've never really been one for resolutions, not because I think I don't need to make them (I'm the first to admit that I'm quite far from perfect), but because they end up being a yearly reminder of how bad I am at willpower and follow through. Also, they have always reminded me of having to give something up for Lent for some reason, although they are two quite different things, which is an activity (or lack thereof) that I have always hated. (I was always the smart ass in Catholic school who was 'giving up giving up things for Lent for Lent.') Anyways, after that brief digression, on to my 10th of January resolutions with appropriate commentary:

1. Start going to the gym again.

I am well aware that this is a fairly standard resolution, as evidenced by how much busier my local YMCA always is in January than in December, but I really need to start working out regularly again. I was bad this past semester and basically stopped working out, after doing so regularly for several years. I feel better both physically and mentally when I work out regularly, which is something I could really use after these past couple of months.

2. Start being more proactive.

I know this is rather general, but I do mean it in a general sense, as it really does apply to multiple aspects of my life. I am not proactive about things, and I have a tendency to sit back and let things come to me rather than going out and finding what I want. I know I do this because it's easy and I'm lazy, and good things have occasionally come my way, but I can't help wondering how many things have passed me by for every good thing I have managed to stumbled into. I want to actually have experiences that don't involved going to class or sitting at the library, and I know that won't happen nearly as often as it could if I continue on my present trajectory.

3. Relax

I have this tendency to over analyze every single thing that happens, to the point where I have very little perspective on some things because I have over thought them to death. This accomplishes nothing except for feeding into my cycle of general worry. I would like to be able to take a step back sometimes and stop being hyper aware of everything I do and say and just feel. So I'm going to try and just be, to shut my brain off and just relax. I don't know if this is possible, but I'm going to try at least.

4. Talk to people about stuff

This one is more of a continuation of the things I have been working on with regards to handeling my emotions in a healthy way, but it's worth mentioning/resolving, because it is the piece of self improvement  that I am most aware of needing to work on at the moment. I have people in my life right now that I really trust, and I should utilize that resource.

5. Be a productive member of society

I should probably get a job at some point this year and start paying taxes and voting and all that (although I have already voted (in the 2010 midterm elections)).

Fill in a blank (via)
That's mostly it for now. There are other things I am/should be working on, but they haven't really coalesced into an easily conveyable idea at this point, or they aren't really something I want to talk about yet (both of which may be the same thing), or I just can't remember them right now. My main goal for 2012 is to attempt to be a fully functioning adult, which I'm not quite convinced I am yet. Hopefully I can gain some traction towards that goal with this batch of resolution and those pesky things like a general lack of will power and follow through don't get in my way. Maybe I should have made a resolution about those things...

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