19 April 2012

Science-y Goodness

It occurs to me that I've written a lot about the Catholic Church and it's politics of late, which is because it's been really active of recently, and because I'm working on a paper on the Church and it's policies on evolution, so I've been thinking about Catholic doctrine a lot lately. In order to make up for all of the Church stuff, here's some enjoyable science pictures, because this is the Black Hole Symposium after all, and science is awesome!

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is amazing, and succeeded in making me want to be an astrophysicist for about a year in middle school. Then I realized that astrophysics involved physics, and fuck physics.

This is funny, because science is all about change rather than dogma, which many people who are opposed to actual science, such as creationists and pseudoscientists don't understand. There is no dogmatic scientific conspiracy to keep your pet "theory" down, there just isn't any evidence supporting it.
I don't quite 'see' all of these, but that may be because I know too much about organic molecules that I just see oxygens and bonds. Also, I'm pretty sure 'self masturbation' is redundant and technically only one of these is a polymer, but whatever. And Organic Chemistry is awesome, so I had to post this. 

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