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I am a science student, studying Chemistry, particularly Organic Chemistry, because it is cool. I've always loved science, ever since I can remember anyways, being raised on a healthy diet of PBS, including, but not limited to, Magic Schoolbus, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Nova, Nature, and Masterpiece Theater for some culture, all by choice, mind you, because my parents didn't really care what I watched as long as it wasn't The Simpsons for some reason (so you see how I never really stood a chance). Anyways, I try not to nerd out about Ochem or other science-y stuff here too often because I know it gets really dense really quickly, and also because, while I love it, I can't do it or think about it all the time. It's my passion, I think, but I do still have other interests, and if I surround myself with only science people or only think about science for too long I get very bored very quickly. But I do still love it and want to nerd out about it from time to time, which is what this page is for. Whenever there is something that I run across in the realms of science, technology, and medicine, I'm going to post it here, so those of you, Imaginary Readers, who do care about it can see what I'm interested in at any given point. I think I will also use this page to talk about whatever nerdy/weird thing I am currently obsessed with, because I don't want to spam the blog with Doctor Who references.

Forgive me for using a by now stale meme, but it is so true that I have to.

1. Birds are really dinosaurs. Or at least, they are the direct descendants of dinosaurs, which is super cool, especially when you consider that velociraptors had feathers. This means that chickens are really very stupid reptilian monsters. How cool is that?

2. The X-Men. Really anything about them. I have talked about them before, but just in general, I think they are the coolest thing pretty much ever.

3. There is one Vatican Bank ATM, located in Vatican City, and it has all of its instructions in Latin. Also, the Pope is currently the only absolute monarch in Europe. And, there are only 32 female citizens of Vatican City (out of about 550), and only of them is a nun.

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