13 September 2011

A Bit of an Introduction

Dear Readers, if there are any, welcome to my blog. This post is an inauguration, and a bit of a trial, as it is my first blog post ever. I'm not normally a person who feels the need to write about myself, but, in an exercise in modern journaling, I thought it might be fun to try to keep a regular blog. Hopefully, I will update it regularly, at least a couple of times a week, although, I will try to post about different things, so it doesn't get stale. I guess we'll see.

I assume that many of you imaginary readers are wondering about the title of this blog. "The Black Hole Symposium" doesn't really mean anything by itself. I realize that. It's a phrase that I stole from my dad. He used to talk about how he and his buddies would get together in college and talk for hours, but ultimately, not say anything. I'm hoping that this space will be a little more productive than that, but I've always liked the ring of it, because it's both sciencey and meaningless, so it lives on.

A few notes about myself: I'm a biomedical engineering student at the University of Minnesota, and a complete nerd. As such, there will be plenty of content pertaining to things such as Buffy, Doctor Who, comic books, science, etc. And whatever else I feel like talking about. I have chosen to write under my real name, although that may change, because I feel very strongly in standing behind my opinions. Also, because I don't expect anyone to actually read this. Other people I talk about, who aren't famous, will be given pseudonyms, because I do want to protect their privacy, as none of them have agreed to letting me talk about them on the internet.

So, that's all for now, although I anticipate that I'll be back tomorrow with a post on Batwoman #1, because that comes out tomorrow, and I've been waiting five years for it, so it's kind of a big deal.

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