28 September 2011

Graphically Inclinded

I really like graphs. They are my favorite way to visually convey information, regardless of whether they are serious or not. So, apropos of some graphs made by [Львица], I made a graph for you, imaginary readers. It shows my comfort level with new situations as a function of time.

As you can see, it takes me a little while to be comfortable with new situations, particularly of the interpersonal type, but once I figure them out, I am the master of the universe (with regards to the specific situation).

At the beginning, no matter how happy I am about something, before I get a feel for what it really means/entails, I spend most of my time worrying that the world is ending, and that I am doing everything wrong. But, the world has yet to end, so far as I am aware, and eventually I grow to be comfortable, and when that happens, the world is not longer ending, and I am it's master.

This holds true for most things, from making friends to talking to a professor to basic social interactions to being in a relationship. It just takes me a little while to remember that I am, in fact, the Master of the Universe.

This isn't to say that I stop caring about something when I get comfortable with it, or that I can truly master things like social interaction. It's just that after a little while, I stop worrying so much about the little things, and I stop thinking that the world could implode at any moment solely due to me doing something wrong. My comfort zone really isn't very large, but it is expanding, it's just not a linear rate of expansion.

I guess this is just a really long winded way of saying that I am working on it, but you're going to have to give me a little bit of time. I'm not the most proactive person in the world, but I can learn, and I want to learn.

Anyways, Graphs! They are awesome! So here's an XKCD about graphs:

This is one of my favorite XKCD strips, for no other reason than when I first saw it, I was annoyed by the axes not being labeled before I got to the punchline.  I guess Physics lab did do me some good.

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