19 November 2011

Just So You Know, It Snowed

I woke up today to the first snowfall of the season, which was super exciting. I love when it snows. It really is the only form of precipitation that I like. There is something about snowfall, particularly in November and December, that feels really special. When it's snowing, those big, wet flakes, and it's covering everything, making the world quiet, it feels magical. Like anything could happen. The part of me that has read far too much fantasy always feels, in those moments, like magic and adventure are closer to the real world than at any other time.

Today's snow was, in a weird way, particularly comforting. I've had a bad week. And yesterday was particularly shitty. I was already in a bad mood, and then I had to sit through two hours of the most boring high school rendition of Alice in Wonderland in recent history because [BrotherBot] had a bit part and I was required to do my sibling duty and go to it. And then, to top it all off, half way through dinner my aunt texts [Maternal Unit] to tell her that my 90 year old grandmother was being rushed into surgery with a bowel obstruction.

Anyways, yesterday sucked, and so to see it snowing this morning when I woke up, and to have it be the first real snow of the season, which is my favorite, reminded me it's going to be okay; that I'm going to be okay. Whatever happens, happens, because I much as I wish I were, I am not actually in control of the myriad random forces that make up the universe.

Seeing something as beautiful as falling snow reminded me that there is more in my life right now than the self-pity that I have been wallowing in for the last week. That even though right now it is sort of hard to connect the knowledge that it will get better with the feeling that I will be okay, it has gotten better, and it will only continue to improve. I promised you that I would be okay, and I intend to make good on that promise.